IIT JEE Mains & Advanced 2023 : Organic Chemistry Chapter-Wise Previous Years Questions with Answers for Class 12th Students

Solving previous year's questions is a useful study exercise. This will not only help you understand the question paper format, types of questions and other aspects but students will be able to test their level of preparation as well as skills such as time management skills, analytical skills, memory and problem-solving skills.

Below students will find a list of chapter-wise Organic Chemistry questions for JEE Main & Advance. Click on the below-given links to access the files.

Chapter NameDownload
1. Nomenclature of organic compoundsClick Here
2. IsomerismClick Here
3. General Organic ChemistryClick Here
4. HydrocarbonClick Here
5. Halogen DerivativeClick Here
6. Alcohol & EtherClick Here
7. Grignard ReagentClick Here
8. Oxidation & Reduction of Organic CompoundClick Here
9. Carbonyl CompoundClick Here
10. Carboxylic Acid and its derivativeClick Here
11. Name ReactionsClick Here
12. Phenol & Aniline (Carbene & Nitrene Mechanism based)Click Here
13. Practical Organic ChemistryClick Here
14. BiomoleculesClick Here
15. PolymerClick Here
16. Chemistry in Everyday LifeClick Here


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